卒業ゼミ 英語コミュニケーション学科

All Keisen University students write a graduation thesis (卒業論文).Half of the students taking graduation seminars (ゼミ) with teachers from the English Communication Department wrote their 卒論 in English. After submitting their 卒論, students need to complete the thesis defense (口述試験).
For the 2023 thesis defenses, the students gave presentations to the teachers, with many students also attending to support their classmates, ask questions, and learn together. The thesis defense was a great opportunity for final year students to talk about their passion and share their research findings with others. It is the crowning achievement of two years of ゼミ studies, and four years of university life.

Here are the titles of the graduation theses written in English for 2023 graduation:
- A Novel Approach to Affiliate Advertising
- Alphonse Mucha and the Fusion of Art, Advertising and the Representation of Women
- An Examination How Sex Education for Young People in Japan can Help Prevent Sexual Victimisation
- Anti-Asian hatred during COVID-19 pandemic
- Bullying and its impact on foreign-school children in Japan
- Cultural and Visual Expression Differences In Fashion Magazines in Japan and East Asia
- Evaluation and Suggestions for the Improvement of Enclosures and Environment in Japanese Zoos
- Foreign workers in Japan: Developing an environment for co-existence
- Gender imbalance at home and the workplace: How professional women in Japan can continue to work
- Hansen's Disease: Breaking up its misconceptions in Japan
- Happiness of living with a dog ~contact frequency and its impact~
- How Bicultural People Establish Their Identity: Inspired by the Wartime Nikkei American Experience
- How can MBTI be used to assist Chinese university students to find the job of their choice?
- How Can We Decrease the Social Networking Stress that Young People Have Due to Their Need for Approval?
- How do Sports Sponsors Influence Consumers?
- How Influential are Makeup Models in Advertisements
- Improving The Learner's Concentration Using an Oral Introduction to Enhance Learning?
- Investigating the Low English Aptitude of Inner Mongolian Students
- Investigating the Preference of Leadership Style for Female Japanese University Students: Comparison between Students Attending an All-female University and a Coeducational University
- Investigating the way in which people overcome stage fright during a presentation
- Keisen University Visual Branding - Evaluation and Possible Changes -
- LGBTQ+: In pursuit of full rights in Japan
- Lifestyle Influencing the Sense of Independence of University Students
- Skippable Video Advertisements on SNS: Effectiveness and User Experience
- The effect of attending an all-female university on gender awareness.
- The Effect of Color on Socialization and Gender Roles in Early Childhood
- The gulf between public perception of people with disability and its reality
- The Impact of Apparel Companies' Use of Instagram on Consumers Purchasing Behavior
- The impact of nonverbal communication on today's youth: Stamps, emoji, and read/unread on LINE
- The Influence of Shopping Bags on Advertising Effectiveness and Purchase Intention
- Using authentic materials to teach refusal in English
- Using Hofstede's Cultural Dimensions Theory to Understand the Relationship Between National Stereotypes and Advertising
- working partners: Achieving an equitable work-life balance
- Written Text in Advertisements: Culture of Information Overload and the Japanese
担当教員:Germain Mesureur
Using Advertising (広告), and the language of adverts and CMs, to learn English, understand other societies and the ways advertising influences them and us. My main focus is on the representation of gender in advertising, and how that affects men and women's perception of themselves and others.