2022年度 2年生ゼミ(「時事英語研究」)ゼミだより(6) 英語コミュニケーション学科
英字新聞The Japan Newsの記事を中心に、さまざまな単語や表現を学んでいる本ゼミですが,先日12月6日(火)は英語コミュニケーション学科の大和千櫻さんが「冨樫義博展展、35年の軌跡」」という記事を取り上げて発表しました。1980年代後半から活躍している漫画家冨樫義博氏とその展覧会について述べた内容で、マンガやアニメが世界中を席巻した日本のサブカルチャーを英語で読む、という貴重な機会となりました。以下は大和さんが作成した発表資料やゼミの様子です。
Yoshihiro Togashi exhibition dives into 35 years of manga magnificence

A large-scale exhibition of words by popular manga artist Yoshihiro Togashi is being held at the Mori Arts Center Gallery in Tokyo's Minato Ward through Jan. 9 next year. Characterized by vibrant characters derived from the author's unique worldview and meticulously crafted storylines, Togashi's work has continued to attract many fans over the years.
Exhibition: Togashi Yoshihiro---Puzzle---" allows visitors to explore the mangaka's 35 year career and his one-of-a-kind talent through more than 350 items on display, including original drawings and materials.
The exhibition focuses on Togashi's three megahits: "YuYu Hakusho," "Level E" and "Hunter x Hunter."
Hailing from Yamagata prefecture, Togashi debuted in 1987. He shot to fame when the manga magazine Weekly Shonen Jump started running his series "YuYu Hakusho" in1990.
(The Japan News, November 25, 2022)
- Do you have a favorite manga / cartoonist?
- What do you think about Japanese manga culture?

担当教員:生田 裕二